
2023  "Belonging", Experimentally Structured Museum of Art ESMOA,

Los Angeles

2022  "Little big books", Goethe Center, Bologna

2021  "Borchert heutzutage", Fabrik der Künste, Hamburg

2020  "What happened until now", online @ www.ababo.it/WHAT/

2019  "Heimat", Fabrik der Künste, Hamburg

2019  "Hamburger Bilderbuchpreis", Fabrik der   Künste,Hamburg

2018  "Alphabet", Alliance Francaise, Bologna

Hello human,


glad to have you on my website!


My name is Joana, I'm a freelance illustrator and teacher currently based in Hamburg,Germany. I create playful images and stories for editorial and book illustration.


If you are interested in any kind of collaboration, feel free to contact me or just say hi!


I'm also open for educational art projects of any form.


Let's connect and work together!


Joana Dürnberg


Vamos Eltern Kind Reisen, 

HAW Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg

Artist residency

participant in Cornelia Funke's artist residency program "Rim of Heaven" 


my interview @ www.corneliafunke.com/en/cornelia/creative-guests/joana-duernberg/